Let's get a grip! Stop decrying the Supreme Court! Stop the Hysteria! Use your Civics lessons people! There's been a...
Republican Party
May 4th isn't May the 4th Be with you! It's how you screw NJ Resident Day. So tomorrow's the day. The...
Tonight's Topics: The Laughter of the left:We talk about Ukraine, the Left's fault.We put to bed the statements of the...
ALERT!! Cycle of Mayhem will go all in and say , "you will not get a straight answer on anything...
Tonight's Show:TRUMP @ CPAC Ukraine and the CHINA CONNECTIONBiden's failures - againand more talk about the TRUCKERS!
Our National Dream or Nightmare?Unfortunately this is not a bad dream and this Nightmare is about to get worse!Tune in...
On this week's show: Truckers and MarxistsCurrent EventsAfghanistanHillaryPop-Culture/MilitaryAnd other material.....
What has gone wrong with the 1st Amendment? What happens when radicals Anti-God and Anti-Moral Justices get on the Bench....
This isn’t meant to be a conspiracy theory. I feel I should state that at the beginning. This is just...
Cities Don't Matter to Democrat Elites! Black Minds Matter. Black Babies Lives Matter as do ALL Minds and ALL Lives...