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December 13, 2024

America First Agenda!

UPDATE: It seems the Sussex County Snitch (Rhymes with….) realized just how ignorant he is in his “reporting” and decided to update his post. You can see the original down below where he writes: *note: we were not going to post until tomorrow but in light of yet another attack on the Capitol today we feel it is imperative to remind everyone of the threats living right here at home* Today Hypocrite Mike, AKA The Sussex County Snitch (Rhymes with….) took that statement down. No apology for painting his fellow Sussex County Citizens in a bad light. “Come one, Man!” What were you expecting? Below is the “updated” top pull quotes – notice what is missing from the one on Good Friday? Instead of trying to attack William Winkler for a “false narrative”, he should look into his own shoddy “drive by reporting”. Everyday, he acts more like the Media of Hate.

What happens when an agenda of pro hate from the left runs into reality? A hypocritical fool gets exposed. Let’s start by saying the Ballistic Patriot condemns all Hate Groups, specifically all White Supremist groups such as the KKK, The Democratic Party, the National BLM Organization, ANTIFA and Planned Parenthood. This is what happened today to the Sussex County Snitch. He put his foot into his mouth? According to the Sussex County Snitch (it rhymes with….) we should be looking for threats here in the county by those who attacked the Capitol on April 2, 2021?

Of course, this less than reputable source failed the one major requirement of truth detecting – speaking the truth (again!). The Snitch seemed to suggest that the attack on the Capitol was all about White Supremacy, linking it to his and Gottheimer’s false claim of “rampant” white supremacy in the North. Yet, it wasn’t White Supremacy, just more extremists from the left trying to cause harm to America.  

So, who attacked the Capitol. Was it the “White Supremist” Nation of Islam member Noah Green. Well, the Snitch looks like an idiot! Maybe the Snitch (it rhymes with….) finally agrees with The Sussex County Commissioners that we should condemn violence regardless of where it comes from.  Maybe Photo-Op Josh will also be willing to get a picture with the Sussex County Commissioners since the RESPECT Resolution and the Resolution against ALL HATE was worthwhile… 

I’ll be expecting to hear your full support  for the Respect Resolution at the next meeting.

We’ll be prayer for the officer who died in this incident. His family will be forever changed. Typical of a Democrat to use a cop’s death to advance their narrative. And yes, in Jesus’s name we will pray for the confused man who committed the criminal action.