(Editor’s Note: This is about the Sussex County New Jersey Commissioners Meeting which can be listened to here)
We ask where was the resolution proposal from the Sussex Democrats to denounce violence that threatened millions of Americans across the country from last summer? Crickets. Very brave of the Sussex County Democrats to demand a resolution that attempts to make Republicans look bad. Why would it make us look bad? Because we (Republicans) have the integrity to recognize hate in all forms. Unlike the White Supremist Obsessed Democrats. Republicans are the ONLY party to condemn both last Summer’s violence and the violence at the Capitol. Yet, Democrats in Sussex County failed the ultimate test of leadership. They can’t stand up to their own party!
What a travesty; the loss of a chance to come together. I listened and even participated in the conversation on the commissioners zoom meeting. I find it frustrating that a group of people who could have something to say that would be constructive turn around and use their effort to attack the Commissioners.
“It’s opposite day at the Capitol. Killing Babies is saving lives. Stripping you of rights is Freedom, Limited Speech is Free Speech and my favorite, Beat the Hell out of haters to prove your love for them.“
I completely get that they don’t agree with the Commissioners politics. I certainly don’t agree with the majority parties control of Bergen, Essex, the State House, etc. Sure, I criticize those bodies for their dumb policies, the dopey-utopian policies that are slowly eating away at the fiscal, cultural and constitutional fabric of our state and country.
However, you won’t see me throwing rationality out the window. And that’s just what happened from many of those on the left last night – for the most part. As I said before and will say again, “I’m sure there are good intentions from a number of these individuals. Just as I am sure that many if not most of these individuals are interested in only attacking and hurting the Commissioners and Republicans in general.”
“To change hearts and minds MLK and Gandhi went to the streets, talked to people and got to hear the people. They listened and talked to the people. These brave men changed hearts and minds by communicating. They didn’t throw punches, but passing on their ideas. Speaking out against violence! Not demanding it as prominent Republicans did!“
What’s the lefts endgame in all this? It’s not to find compromise, that was evident after three meetings. The endgame is to have five Democrat Commissioners in charge of the county. It’s politics. The sick part about this is the nature of the attack. Every SINGLE Sussex County Commissioner has denounced White Supremacists. Yet, the faux attack from the left is that they’re not willing to. This is the reality of our day. Subversion of the truth for political gain!
The only group refusing to condemn hate and violence is the Left! They still stand with the insurrectionists attackers of last Summer. When brought up, the virtue signaling individuals seeking their “condemnation of hate” suddenly attack. “How dare you not go after white supremist!” The shrill echo of a squashed woktopian charge us!
Nope, you won’t hear those on the Left condemn ALL Hate and Violence. They act as if we’re all supposed to ignore last summer. As if the terrorizing of our cities never happened. We’re supposed to act as if it wasn’t part of some grand scheme meant to hurt President Trump’s re-election effort. We’re expected to ignore when Don Lemon comes on CNN and says “The polls are showing Biden down because of these ‘mostly peaceful’ protests. They need to stop these protests!” Magically, the majority of the attacks fade away. The exception being the dysfunctional Northwest of the country.
In the meeting, one of my comments was referenced. Watch out! One of the leftists didn’t agree with me. My comment: “Gandhi and MLK didn’t need a government resolution to change people’s hearts.” And they didn’t need any government paper to change people’s hearts. It’s sad that MLK needed an Act of Congress to fight the racism of the Democrat Party. Yet they needed one to change the law, but that didn’t change one heart. To change hearts and minds MLK and Gandhi went to the streets, talked to people and got to hear the people. They listened and talked to the people. These brave men changed hearts and minds by communicating. They didn’t throw punches, but passed on their ideas. Speaking out against violence! Not demanding it as prominent Democrats did!
If these individuals on the left were truly anti-violence and were interested in condemning violence then we would be hearing about the denunciation of the violence from last summer. The over billion dollars worth of damage and up to 30 or more deaths was not “mostly peaceful” It’s disingenuous to label it that way. If these individuals were truly against hatred and violence they would heartily agree with a resolution that denounced both. But they haven’t and they won’t. They have a rationale. As I’ve learned from Facebook posts the violence over the summer was justified because of the experience of minorities.
Coming to an elected body near you soon. These attack style resolutions are spreading around the country.
“If you don’t condemn the riots of January 6th then you must support white supremacy.” is the purported rationale.
There’s never ever any mention of the BLM and Antifa riots of the summer from those on the left. They continue to attack, attack and attack by pushing the incorrect and hateful comments that January 6th was an insurrection. It wasn’t an insurrection, it wasn’t a coup d’état, it wasn’t an uprising. It was none of these, nor the synonyms as CNN attempts to suggest. I’m sure they would love it if we all fell for this Orwellian logic. We’re not that stupid! At least most of us.
Calling what happened January 6th any of these synonyms is like calling a bicycle a Mac Truck. The rioters had no one armed. The Capitol Police, the secret service and all other guards were armed. The only people who died were on the side of the rioters.
The leftist lie and make comments such as: “This was the biggest attack on the Capitol since 1814.” Really? Comparing January 6th to the invasion by the British? An Enemy Invasion? The British attacked the Capitol in retaliation for an American attack on British Territory. The British had almost FIVE THOUSAND soldiers, cannons, armed and were organized as a military force. The British Navy was sitting in the Potomac! Did anyone see the “Insurrectionist” Navy on January 6th? (Yes, this ridiculous comparison deserves SARCASM!)
The only force that would match the description of this “last attack of 1814” (FYI – A Lie) that was in Washington D.C. on January 6th was run and operated by the governments of Washington D.C.; the Capitol Police and the US Government.
In fact, this was the most significant attack on the Capitol since the 1980’s bombing by radical leftists who had targeted Republicans. Don’t worry, that stories been buried. As has the story that the bomber was pardoned by Bill Clinton on his way out of the Oval Brothel – I mean Office. Sorry – Not Sorry! She now heads up a fundraising division of BLM. I’m sure that’s a coincidence. Again, Sorry – Not Sorry!
The Biggest attack on the Capitol would be the Bonus army. Forty three thousand strong against a US Army of seventeen thousand strong. The lesson here is this: “If you are going to lie, lie big!” All those poor bastards in the Bonus Army wanted was what they were owed. So did all the people in Washington D.C. on January 6, – which was an explanation as to why no one was giving a damn about the election fraud and clear violations of the US Constitution.
Now that I have disagreed with the leftist narrative and the elitists in the Uni-party of Washington, should I expect the FBI to show up at my door? In the world of the leftist Orwellian logic- I would be lucky if they only asked me questions. Or will they take the soft tyranny approach, isolating me from all things possible to live in a modern society? Making me an example to warn others off. Don’t upset the Masters!
This is what it has devolved into. We can only denounce the hate we are told is hateful. We must praise the hate that is their hate. We must take a knee to their Dopey-Utopian methodology of destruction. It’s opposite day at the Capitol. Killing Babies is saving lives. Stripping you of rights is Freedom, Limited Speech is Free Speech and my favorite, Beat the Hell out of haters to prove your love for them.
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