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January 18, 2025

America First Agenda!

Kinzinger Anti-Trump RINO!

If you share the Atlantic Article here, then you are a fool! If you agree that Adam Kinzinger is a fool that should be primaried then check out Catalina Lauf who just announced her primary challenge.  Below is her announcement video.   

However, you should be supporting the Constitutional right of Due-Process, which you and the other nine RINO’s decided to ignore.


The mindlessness of the Atlantic’s article is sickening, yet right on par with the level of reporting from the Atlantic.  A source that spends its days working in the fantasy’s of Ukraine Fake scandals and Far flung imaginations of Russian Collusion.  The magazine that spent the last  five years without any real investigative reporting (I know it’s been a lot longer than five years).  A magazine that like the many leftist journals out there spends its time attacking President Trump.   

There’s no way we can expect the Atlantic to legitimately report on any subject regarding President Trump.  As with most media their own personal bias and agenda gets in the way of the facts.  Their imaginations help generate outrageous fake news while they suckle at the Anti-Trump cup of lies.  Lies as propagated by Representative Adam Kinzinger.  The guy who works so hard to be a latter day John McCain.  Another detestable so-called Republican who is more interested in getting their name in a news report, article or magazine then actually doing the job of a Representative.  He’s auditioning for his back up job of talking head at one of the left wing media outlets.

Lies as propagated by Representative Adam Kinzinger.  The guy who works so hard to be a latter day John McCain.  Another detestable so-called Republican who is more interested in getting their name in a news report, article or magazine then actually doing the job of a Representative.


Truth is we don’t want reactionary Republicans who jump on board with the Democrats just to defame and attack our party’s President.  We don’t like so called republicans who fail to recognize Constitutional obligations. We don’t want Republicans who are more interested in their 15 minutes than truth.  We don’t want Republicans who love the sound of their own voice more than God and country.  We don’t want you Adam Kinzinger.   You and your buddy Cheney can go the way of the Uniparty in Washington.  You pair of elites make a better couple then Nancy and Chuck!   

You may not have to support the President.  That’s true.  However, you should be supporting the Constitutional right of Due-Process, which you and the other nine RINO’s decided to ignore.  You also failed to recognize the news reports, interviews and congressional hearings which have identified that the Congressional Police force and chain of command KNEW there was going to be an attack and inadequately prepared for it.  That the attack was planned – and not a spontaneous attack on the Capitol.  Remember, they went after him for BS reasons, they can do the same to you for BS reasons when the glow of Kinzinger love ends. 

“I don’t have a constitutional duty to defend against a guy that is a jerk and maybe says some things I don’t like,” Kinzinger told me, explaining what had pushed him to finally break with the president. “I do when he’s getting ready to destroy democracy—and we saw that culminate on January 6th.”

Atlantic Article

This quote is perhaps one of the dumbest things that has ever been written by the Atlantic.  Not being a regular subscriber I can’t fully support this statement of dumbness.  However, I can support that this is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.   Let’s break it down as evidence of the stupidity emanating from the leftist propaganda machines and their host Kinzinger.  The key statement here is “Kinsinger told me, explaining what had pushed him to finally break with the president.” Kinsinger has been an anti-Trumper since 2016.  Where the hell has Peter Wehner been?  As already mentioned – haven’t you read any news reports.  The Jan 6th attack was pre-planned.  It’s impossible for President Trump to have been responsible for this.  And Kinzinger never answers the question that if the President was calling for the overthrow of the government then why would he have offered 10K National Guard to defend against any planned attack?

The question is serious enough. The lack of answer is clearly the record of an agenda.  It’s part of the same agenda that we’ve seen for years.  If you are one of those faithful cult members of the left that continues to peddle the church is bad and the government is God.  Believing this put you right in line with this article.  Odds are you will willingly pass it on through your Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts.  What a fool you are! 

MSNBC is looking for new hosts.  The Lincoln Project is hoping to get more members.  Are you already a member?  Feel free to exit the party! 


When you do this you will clearly identify yourself as a fool.  Passing this article off as anything but Anti-Trump trash is something to expect from the leftists and foolhardy.  

In typical leftist mantra, Kinzinger goes after Christianity, or churches, or whatever it seems to cross his head.  He talks about faith, however it’s confusing.  Did he never sit in a class that discussed religion?  Does he not know that Christianity isn’t one branch but multiples of multiples of versions.  I’m not sure, from the reading if Kinzinger is an ignorant ass when it comes to religion or if it is the writer Whener.  It seems that Kinzinger is against the “church” but never categorizes which church. Organized Churches? The Catholic Church? All of Christianity?  I guess that will help his leftist credentials real! 

The quote from the article:

“My goal is frankly to admonish the Church for the real damage it has done to Christianity,” Kinzinger said. “The thing I’m always asked, and I don’t think anybody with a straight face can answer differently—maybe they can, but—‘Do you think the reputation of Christianity is better today or five years ago?’ And I think most people would say it was better five years ago.”

Atlantic Article

Really, because I’ll tell you, the Catholic Church (if that is what he is talking about) has diminished in my eyes over the last twenty years or so, not the last five.  This is a complex set of issues but for most it seems to be around the child-sex scandals of priests, the current Pope’s drive to kiss up to Socialists and the lack of fighting for the abolition of child murder via abortion.  However, I don’t think this is what Kinzinger is talking about.  To me, it just seems he is looking to get some BONAFIDES from attacking the “church” in a Left Wing Magazine that has shown an Anti-Christianity bias as the left in general has.   And the “church” is just a convenient punching bag to get those BONAFIDES! 

Kinzinger makes hay to attack Rev. Franklin Graham, but he’s not a priest (If Kinzinger is talking about the Catholic Church).  Graham, like his father was, is  a reverend.  Does he mean Christianity as a whole, because then how can he say that with the various churches and options available.  He claims he was a Baptist.  Is this the “church” or part of Christianity he is talking about or is he blatantly attacking all of us Christians? 

I’d say that Adam Kinzinger has “jumped the shark” but that was done back in 2016.  He has been anti-Trump as you can be and still be in the Republican Party.  He should at least be honest with himself. He’s more aligned with Nancy then you or me.

Let’s say it to him.  MSNBC is looking for new hosts.  The Lincoln Project is hoping to get more members.  Are you already a member?  Feel free to exit the party!   Enjoy retirement or whatever they call a RINO who has lost his ability to be relevant.  I wonder how his district is going to feel when he doesn’t get any committee assignments.